Dec 18, 2017
Lee Taft, known to most simply as “The Speed Guy”, is highly respected as one of the top athletic movement specialists in the world!
Sound like something we might be interested in? Sure is!
Our hosts sit down with Lee and talk about multi-directional speed - Lee's specialty - and why it's important to...
Dec 11, 2017
This week we are honored to have the one-and-only Juggernaut himself, Chad Wesley Smith, on our podcast! Chad hardly needs an introduction, having become one of the most recognized strength coaches in the industry and one of the strongest men in the world!
Dec 5, 2017
Today's doubleheader are two incredibly knowledgeable and accomplished individuals - Dr. Michael Rintala and Dr. Richard Ulm, both from the Prague Institute of Rehabilitation. They are instructors on DNS [Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization], which is a school of thought that is foundational to our own...
Nov 20, 2017
This week's guest is long-time friend and The Mad Scientist's ultimate hype-man Dr. Raphael Castro, from New York! Dr. Castro is a licensed chiropractor who works with a large athletic population.
Among some of the topics discussed are:
Nov 13, 2017
Join us on today's Roundtable Q&A where our hosts along with Coach Brady Cable sit down and answer questions from users on social media.
If you want your question answered, watch out for the next IG live notification and get your question in when we're podcastin' live!